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Pictured are some of the thousands of babies Dr. Nalwa has delivered over the years.

Our Practice


455 O'Connor Drive, Suite 390, San Jose, CA 95128.


Shreya (left), Tori (right), and Dr. Nalwa (center).


Welcome to our all-women's practice in obstetrics, gynecology, and fertility. We have one full-time physician at this time.

Smriti Nalwa, MD, completed her residency at the Jersey Shore University Medical Center in New Jersey in 2004. Since then she has been practicing in the Bay Area. Prior to her residency, she practiced Ob/Gyn in Bombay, India, for several years. She speaks several Indian languages, including Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her two grown-up children, both Cal grads (Go Bears!).


She has privileges at Good Samaritan Hospital and at O'Connor Hospital, where she previously served as Vice Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Please note that we are currently not accepting new patients with the following insurance plans: Medi-Cal, Covered California, Physician's Medical Group, and Valley Health Plan.


We accept the following insurances:

Anchor 1


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Medical Information

Mon-Thurs    9:00 am - 4:30 pm (closed for lunch)
Fri                9:00 am - 12:00 pm

455 O'Connor Drive Suite 390
San Jose, CA 95128

Phone: 408-271-6500
Fax: 408-271-8828

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